Sunday, January 4, 2015

Girls, I Finnally Nabbed A Ring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           That is right, darlings, my Tiffany;s Etoile Ring was finally ready, and we went, and picked it up Saturday.  This is why I  did not mention getting married in my Goals posting, because there is no question there will be some sort of wedding this year.  We just have not worked out the details.  It may be simpler than one thinks.  My guess is it will go off something like my 60th birthday party. but--and this would be a dream come true--I would have to have Sister Camille D'Areinzo officiate!!!!!!!!!!!

                             We shall see, girls!  Meanwhile, this gal has grabbed the brass ring on the merry-go-round, so to speak, so we shall see!  All will be reported, on here!

                                I am sure MERYL, AMY and HAYLEY would be impressed!  Not to mention Audrey Hepburn!

                                Yes, darlings, I am Engaged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Wonderful news! So happy for you both!

    And envious of your fabulously successful partnership: romantic charms + personal compatibility + domestic security = bliss!


  2. Thank you, both! Some cliches are true--there are things well worth waiting for!!!!!!!!!
