Sunday, January 4, 2015

I Know New Year's Goals Are Like Resolutions, Darlings, But I Intend To Achieve Some!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               The secret of keeping resolutions, or attaining goals, is not to make too many.  I have only a few to share  with you, girls, but here they are--

                                 1. I Want Too Perform--The need for such is something one either has, or does not.  It comes from within, but it gets more problematic with age. Between acid reflux and sinus issues, my voice is sometimes not my best; most of the time, I can still sing Fantine, but there are some days, where phlegm clogs, leaving my voice scratchy, so I can talk, but not sing!!!!!!!!!  And, on any day, it is questionable whether I can reach "Maggie's Crescendo" in "At The Ballet." or at least hold those final eight  bars.  Some days, I actually surprise myself, but there are days wen I just can't make it!  Something in my nice middle range that I can sing would be lovely.  Hell, I would settle for a supporting role in a community production of "August:Osage County."

                              2. I Want To Do More Amy Adams Stretches--Inspired by Amy, I need to do more stretching and yoga, plus more Power walking, which will lead to weight loss, the ultimate goal.  But that routine!!!!!!!!!!  How do I maintain it????????????????

                              3. I Want To Get Through My Father's 100th Birthday Party--Enough said, right there! This could either turn out to be the Social Event Of The Year, or "August:Osage County!!!!!!!!!!!"

                              4. I Want To Have Tea With Hayley Mills--After all the nice things I have said about Hayley on this blog, I would love to sit down, and have tea, with her!  The next time she is in town, I would like to meet with her in the King Cole Room, at the St. Regis Hotel, where we could have tea, and dish!!!!!!!!!!  I just KNOW she would get a kick out me doing "Cobbler, Cobbler!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                And last, but not least--

                             5. I Want To Spend More Quality Time, With My Beloved!--Because that is a joy every single day of the year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             I will report back here on all this, come December 31!!!!!!!!!   Meanwhile, what are your goals, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Hope you achieve them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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