Sunday, January 4, 2015

Sad News, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!! The First Celebrity Deaths Of 2015!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Edward Herrmann, the towering--6'5"--character actor, known for his television work as Franklin Delano Roosevelt," and , later on, "The Gilmore Girls," actually died on December 31 of 2014, but I did not hear about till New Year's day, so I am making him the first celebrity death of 2015. Herrmann was a now seemingly young 71 years old, at the time of his death!!!!!!!!!  He also worked with the great actress Blythe Danner, and I had the pleasure, way back in 1983, when I was just a tot, girls, of seeing he and Kate Nelligan on the Broadway stage in "Plenty."

                                   His passing away, from brain cancer, leaves another irreplaceable gap in the widening chasm of the Quality Actor Deficiency--all the good ones are going!  Thank God, for Blythe and MERYL!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   I think the Broadway lights should be dimmed, in his honor!  Let us hope they are!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        On New Year's Day, we lost a Sixties television icon, Donna Douglas, who will forever more be remembered as Elly May Clampett on "The Beverly Hillbillies," died in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, of pancreatic cancer, at the age of 81!!!!!!!!!!!  Though she did other work, in shows like "Adam 12," Route 66." and an episode of "Thriller," entitled "The Hungry Glass," the Southern beauty, actually from Louisiana, found career immortality, with Elly May!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       We will miss both these actors, and remember their achievements!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        And "swimmin' pools and movie stars," darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!                            


  1. I was floored when I heard Edward Herrmann had died at the tender age of 71. He and Jane Alexander were perfection as Eleanor and Franklin in the 1976 Roosevelts miniseries, arguably the finest film bio of a US President ever produced (the various vaunted Lincoln films have always left me cold).

    And lovely Donna Douglas! Who could forget her iconic (albeit brief) role as the un-bandaged un-hinged Janet Tyler in the classic 1960 Twilight Zone episode "Eye Of The Beholder"?

    The glimmer of hope here is they quickly followed on the heels of Luise Rainer, so "they go in threes" has been satisfied for the moment. You can imagine Betty White's sigh of relief.


  2. I don't think Betty has any plans of going yet! The one who is really worried is my father!
