Sunday, January 4, 2015

Too Bad There Isn't A Gay Version Of The "Potty Princesses Video!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Well, Darlings, There Is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Actually, there are several, which is a good thing, but the one I am going to share is "We Were Born This Way," which talks bout childhood gayness, bullying, and the suicide rate attained when both clash forces.

                                  Since the Potty Princesses were such a success, it was almost inevitable that the gimmick would be used with other issues.  And why not Gay Rights?????????  It has long been about time the F word was say to those f'ed up people who promote anti-gay behavior.  Like some of my White Trash relatives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                The first video deals with juvenile gays, bullying, and the consequences.  The second, which I--I, who read Jane Austen!!!!!!!!!!!--admits is tasteless, does rattle my vulgarity limits, but it makes such a specific point so vividly, I feel it is worth sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Happy Gay New Year, darlings!!!!!!!!!  More Rights in 2015!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   And remember what the song in "Gypsy"--a Mantra Musical For Gays!!!!--says:

                                   "If you want to make it, twinkle while you shake it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


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