Sunday, January 4, 2015

As Long As We Are Talking Dirty--At Least, For Now!!!!!!!!--Something Left Over from 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 I am telling you, girls, I am SO embarrassed.  I meant to put this posting in my homage to 2014, because, as far as I am concerned, THIS was the Video Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 It was stark, uncompromising, and downright uncomfortable to view it, at first.  But, once the sensation wears off, the public service message it is providing did more good and had more impact than just a bunch of little girls cursing.

                                  And don't tell me any of these Little Darlings had never heard of the "F" word before.  I knew about it, as early as third grade, though I did not really know, back then, what it meant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   So, here are the Princesses again, who deserve another look!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    And, remember, girls, we are ALL Princesses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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