Sunday, January 4, 2015

"What Is It, You Cunt Face??????????????????"

                                My recent posting about "The Sound Of Music" turning 50, on March 2, got me thinking, about the line uttered by Peggy Wood, in the scene leading up to "Climb Ev'ry Mountain."  The correct line of dialogue is "What is it you can't face," but, apparently, when listened to closely, can't" come s out sounding more like the "C" word.

                                   The more I thought about it, the more I thought I would share this, and maybe try a posting of the scene, because it has been about four or five years since I last saw "The Sound Of Music," on screen--which is the only way I would watch it!!!!!--and I was really not aware of that, at the time.

                                     Darlings, I am telling you, it sounds a lot like it!  And here is the proof!!!!!!!!!!!
Now, I realize I may be ruining "The Sound Of Music" for many, but keep in mind, this legend was in place long before I realized it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Nevertheless, it is still "G-Rated," girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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