Thursday, January 15, 2015

If It Looks Like A Bitch, It Is Almost A Sure Thing It Is A Bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      This is Diane O'Neill, a math teacher, at Southold High School, on  Long Island. That is a mouthful right there.  And a combination that does not sit well with me.  Math and Long Island.  The latter I have seen enough of to know it is just the suburbs on the other side of the Hudson, from Jersey. Though, granted, there are more serial killers there than from the Garden State.
The other bad thing is Math, which was always my worst subject in school--something I share with Amy Adams--especially as I grew into the upper grades.  This I blame not so much on my ability--I had the potential, but who was around to help me develop it?  Not that bitch from seventh grade, Mrs. Susan Sher, who thought she was skilled, but wasn't, and who favored the girls, so I was not picked--as I should have been-- to take Algebra in the eighth grade.  That may have turned out to be a good thing, because the math class I was in--with Roberta, of course!!!!!!!!--was taught by Mr. Robert Barber, who dressed liked he had just rolled out of bed, and was always covered over in chalk. From what I understand, his teaching was so bad that even bright students like Susan Greenhause and Paula Weiss had to take Algebra again in the ninth grade. Because he also taught the eighth grade Algebra class.    It wasn't them--they were smart--it was Mr. Barber.  I am certain of it. He ruined math for a lot of us that might have developed an interest in it.

                                    So, I don't think much of Diane O'Neill already. She is only 65, but looks like she has been hanging out with Joan Didion!!!!!!!!!!   But that is not why she is  Bitch Of The Week!  It's what she did, in addition to all this.

                                 The man pictured above is George J.Kurovics, a local barber.  Would you believe he is all of 90 years old????????  He look a hell of a lot better, darlings, than Diane O'Neill.
Well, that's what drink will do for one.

                                  It also got George killed. By Diane, which is why she is the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    On Tuesday night, Mr. Kurovics went out into the road--at night, at 90, darlings!!!!!!!!!--to retrieve a dead cat of his.  Down the road came Diane, charging at top speed.
She ran him down, while she was intoxicated and drove on. Can you believe it?

                                      Since 1948, Mr. Kurovics ran and operated George's Barber Shop in downtown Rocky Point, NY.  The accident happened at 7:16 PM on  Main Road, in Jamesport. Death was instantaneous, and Diane, driving a 2007 Mercedes, kept right on going!

                                        She has been charged, and arraigned, released on $10, 000 bail.  But there is more in store for her, I am telling you, if there is any justice.

                                           The old man's cat, Buddy, had been gone, and was found by him, dead and run down, on the road. The owner died just like his cat.  That Diane!!!!!!!!!  What a bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                            School's out for you, you souse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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