Thursday, January 15, 2015

What A Homage To Olga Baclanova!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Girls, I just cannot wait to tell you.  Last night's episode of "American Horror Story--Freak Show" was entitled "Show Stoppers," and there were, indeed, a steady succession of them, which made a case for the strong moral frame running through the course of this season, and also brought satisfaction to many, as characters many hoped would get theirs, did!!!!!!!!!!!

                                But we don't know about Miss Elsa, and Hollywood.

                                The evening started beautifully, with a homage to "Freaks."  At the private dinner held by Elsa and her Curiosities, that film was referenced, as was also, "The Sign Of The Cross," from "Asylum," a subtle hint that maybe Elsa might somehow morph into Sister Jude.

                                 The screening never really took place, because it was topped by something better--Desiree and Maggie have a gift for Richard Stanley, the sleazy entrepeneur played by Denis O'Hare, whom I have been waiting to see get his. And he does.  His former grifter, now turned good girl, Maggie (Emma Roberts) presents him with a wrapped package. Inside is a giant formaldehyde tube, and floating in it is the severed head of Lillian Hemmings, the former curator of the Museum of Morbidity. Yes, that Lillian got hers!  As I predicted, she ends up as one of her own attractions! Good! She deserved it!

                                      But you should see what happens to Stanley!  In a scene right out of Tod Browning's 1932 "Freaks,"  the screaming man is pursued by the freaks, who hold him responsible for ruining the show, and aiding and abetting in the death of Ma Petit.  They chase him in a rainstorm, where they corner him underneath one of the tents, and, though we don't see the graphic transformation (just as it was not shown in the 1932 film) he is transformed into the new Meep!!!!!!!!!  He certainly does not have that thirteen inch penis anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        There is more!  Dandy has put together a file on Chester Creb, played by Neil Patrick Harris.  It tells the truth--that Chester, having split into the personality of his puppet doll, Marjorie, whom I just love, murdered both  his wife Lucy, and her lesbian lover, Alice. At first the Tattler Twins (Sarah Paulson) refuse to believe it, but those gals cannot be fooled for long. Dandy may be a nut, but he did hire a private investigator!  He has the funds!

                                          Chester is more and more being possessed by Marjorie. When the twins refuse to assist him in his sawing trick, Maggie (Emma Roberts) steps in.  I felt bad for her death, even though Desiree said she had it coming. Well, maybe she did!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           But I hope those writers get rid of Neil/Chester, because the scene where he kills Maggie, goes nuts and bloody, and then falls to his knees in the police station, begging for the chair, is acted  so badly, it only goes to show how over exposed and under talented this performer is. I would personally like to pull the plug on Neil's career; he surely will not be missed, here and I have no idea what will happen, now that--Dandy!!!!!, can you believe it????--has become the owner of the show! And the freaks have a score to settle with Elsa, for her part in the death of Ethel (Kathy Bates)!!!!!!!!

I am telling you, girls, each succeeding episode just keeps getting better, and better!  I cannot wait to see how the whole thing ends!  It is anyone' guess how it will, but I have an idea, for how I would like to see it end!!!!!!!!!

Neil Patrick's real life partner, David Burtka, is going to guess in the final episode. Nice work, David; good thing you are married to Neil, because, if he wasn't as hot, career wise for reasons I cannot fathom, you wouldn't have gotten a job on this show at all!

What I would like to see is David come on the show, get it on with Dandy, who kills him. Then, Neil comes on as Chester, "becomes" Marjorie and kills Dandy. The climax of the whole thing would be Sarah Paulson, those Tattler Twins, coming on with a pair of scissors, to bring down the curtain with an on camera castration of Chester.  I would LOVE to see this!

The spotlight hits the Tattlers, scissors held high in hand, circus music plays, and the camera pulls back, revealing them in their own tent, as they now own the show!  Which will continue in time, but this is where the story closes.

Wouldn't that be a fabulous ending, girls????????  Let's see how close I come to matching it!  I did get  it right with Lillian Hemmings!  And I knew Denis O'Hare would get his!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, if only Neil Patrick Harris could be gotten rid of!  Tank that sucker's career!!!!!!!!!!


  1. They made another understated connection to "Asylum" last night that I only caught when I rewatched the episode.

    The Nazi sadist who sawed off Elsa's legs for a snuff film was quietly revealed to be Hans Gruber (who fled to America and changed his name to Dr. Arden in "Asylum".) As an added "Easter Egg" the actor cast to play the younger Dr. Arden is the son of James Cromwell, who played him in "Asylum." Nifty.

    The promos for the finale imply it will be a hot mess of incoherency, but then the entire season has been like that (whatever happened with the $5000 the twins gave Maggie to bail Jimmy out of jail and hire him a lawyer? Oops: lets pretend that never happened, cuz it would nullify the selling-his-hands-to-Stanley bit).

    But I do absolutely love the promo clip showing Elsa in some scary dark room howling "What the hell kind of place IS this?" to which a mysterious woman sneeringly replies, "Why, its Hollywood, of course".


  2. Yes, I noticed Cromwell too. Amazing how much the son resembles him. And I still think Marjorie might have a thing or two up her sleeve!
