Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Little Orphan Annie Was Adopted, And She Was No Serial Killer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Now, girls, Matthew Heikkila was not, technically speaking, a serial killer--or maybe he was apprehended and imprisoned, in time so that he would not become one.  I am certain had he gotten away with his initial crime, he would most certainly have killed again.

                                           His crime took place, twenty four years ago, on January 29, 1991, when Matthew, then 20, walked into his parents home, on Goltra Drive in the Bernards Township/Basking Ridge area of New Jersey. His family was well off; his father, Richard 48, was a successful medical researcher, while mother, Dawn, 46 was a successful realtor.

                                            The two adopted Matthew twenty years before, and, 19 months later, had a child of their own, Joshua. At the time of the murders, Joshua was a freshman at Dartmouth.  Yes, darlings, Dartmouth--the Ivy League!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              On that January 29 evening, Matthew walked into the house, with a gun, and, declaring "I hate you!" to each of his parents, shot them.

                                                The community reeled in horror. But they were not surprised. His parents, teachers, and neighbors, could see signs of trouble in Matthew early on.  Some predicted his parents would be killed by him. If they had not been so blind, out of love, they might have gotten him the help he needed, which might have required a separation from them, that would have saved their lives.  It was not so much the Heikkilas enabled Matthew, they were just blind.  To their detriment.

                                                   And what was his defense? "Adopted Child Syndrome," meaning he felt his parents favored Joshua over him.  No one bought that crap! And poor Joshua was so traumatized by it all, he is now a missionary in Africa!!!!!!!!!!  Imagine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                 At 44, now, Matthew is imprisoned at the Little Sandy Correctional Complex, in Sandy Hook, Kentucky. He claims he has changed, wants to turn his life around, but come on, who is going to buy that?  He hasn't even seen "The Song Of Bernadette" yet.

                                                  It never ceases to amaze me these things happen in such conformist places as Jersey, Pennsylvania, or Florida!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Drive through them, at your peril, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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