Sunday, January 18, 2015

Now, Let Me Weigh In On Those Oscar Nominations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         You really didn't think I was going to let this slip by, now, girls????????????  Of course, my first reaction when I heard the nominations announced, was, "What?  No Amy Adams?"  Indeed, Miss Adams should have received a nod for her brilliant performance in "Big Eyes"; Amy is a lot like MERYL, who nails it every time, acting wise!  And where was Emily Blunt, who was surprisingly moving , in "Into The Woods," and Jake Gyllenhaal in "Nightcrawler??????????"  That's what I was mad about.

                                          I never considered the diversity thing, until the whole thing started up--a tempest in a teapot, considering several non-Whites have been nominated and honored over the years.   What upset me more, and I know it is just the luck of the draw, was that this year's crop of movies was so lacking variety.  Everything was dark and depressing.  I love Julianne Moore, but after seeing Julie Christie play an Alzheimer's patient--for which she was also nominated--I don't want to see another film on this topic.  I have enough to worry about, without this fear being thrown in my face.  And face it, dolls, no Alzheimer's patient is ever going to look as good as Julie or Julianne!!!!!!!!!!!!!  You better believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           So, I really don't have much to say about the Oscar nominations, except to bemoan the elimination of those who deserved it, and to congratulate MERYL on setting a record with 19 nominations--and counting!!!!!!!!!--and J.K. Emmett, a fine actor, deserving to be honored after all his good work, for his magnetic turn in "Whiplash!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                            I can't say I am psyched to watch the program this year.  Because, if what is nominated is not so great, what about the gowns????????????????????

                                             I truly fear for fashion, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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