Sunday, January 18, 2015

Have Gays Entered The "Pinky " Era???????????????????????????????

                                  For the uninitiated, darlings, "Pinky:" was Elia Kazan's 1949 film, wherein Jeanne Crain played a Negro who could pass for white.  Today, I have to wonder if gays are entering this era, because of the underlying emphasis on "passing" for straight.

                                      An acquaintance of mine recent went to an LGBT support meeting, or what was supposed to be one.  The reason I add "supposed" is because, from what I was told, several of the higher wage earners--lawyers and corporate types--bragged about how they could pass for being straight.

                                      I wish I had been there, girls, because I would have challenged these closest cases, at once. Why is it so important?  What makes you proud of this?

                                        I guess they feel proud because they adjusted to the status quo, and thus earned their rights to higher wages and self-entitlement.  Because, I hate to say it, it is true that the gayer one is, the more marginalized.  Unless one works in theater or fashion, being gay at work still counts against one; like women, back in the Fifties and Sixties.

                                          And in a culture that encourages Capitalist Pigs, the aforementioned gentlemen have  made their choice--aligning themselves to the Money God, instead of being Out and Proud.  To which I say, with this kind of attitude, what right have you to attend an LGBT support group????  You can't support the community, as you care too much about yourselves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Gays get theirs during childhood and adolescence.  Adulthood is their turn!
At this point everyone has earned the right to be comfortable with themselves!

                                           Like Aunt Ida!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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