Friday, January 16, 2015

Oh, Marilynne, You Should Have Quit, While You Were Ahead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Back when I first read "Gilead," I was blown away by the language, and the sheer, moving brilliance of the story, as well as the almost stream of consciousness style in which it was written. When "Home" followed it up, several years later, my anticipation was high, but I felt a big letdown from "Gilead."  I am sad to say, that, having to expand the whole thing into a third volume, "Lila," the final entry, is a tremendous disappointment.

                                      I could not wait to get through it.  I did, but I ask myself, was it worth it? If I had not thought so highly of "Gilead," and Robinson in general, I am not sure I would have made it through its 271 pages.  Which seem like three times that.

                                      As I read "Lila," and got to know he, I thought back to Faulkner, even that overrated thing last year, "Fourth Of July Creek," not to mention Flannery O'Connor.  For those who are still in a state of anticipation, as one who has read it, darlings, let me tell you--"Lila" is a big let down!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      If I would have cited for anything in 2014, it would have been Most Disappointing Book Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Now, I am free to move on to something else!  Amen, to Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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