Monday, January 12, 2015

Now, Don't You Go Getting Those Pink Panties Dirty, Boys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I am telling you, darlings, I don't make this stuff up.  Yesterday turned out to be--of all things--the date of the Annual No Pants Subway Ride.  This was the 14th Annual; where was I during the last thirteen?  And how come I did not know about this, beforehand.

                                For those who thought the girls on the stairs, doing "Who wears short shorts?" for Nair, was sexist, I felt it high time the boys got a chance to show what they have.  And these two luscious things were just two of the luscious morsels I hoped to chance upon, yesterday, because I was out and about!

                                 If I had been so fortunate as to get into a subway car with the likes of Stanley Tuuci, Jake Gyllenhaal, or than nice young man, Andrew Keenan-Bolger, for example--or these two, in pink--it would have been worthwhile.  But I am willing to bet there were more trolls on board than anything else.

                                 Not that I have anything personal against people discarding their pants. But some do look better than others, and why have this during the coldest time of the year?  Wouldn't Mermaid Parade time be more apt, and afford more opportunities for appetizing sights???????????

                                  If any of my girls went pants less, I hope you are at home, nursing that forthcoming cold with tea and lemon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   How would Jane Austen have felt???????????????

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