Sunday, January 11, 2015

What Is The World Coming To, Girls??????????????

                              I first discovered Little Italy, back in 1984.  That was 31 years ago--can you believe it?????????--and I was a spinster.  So, on many a free Saturday, I would traipse down there, to enjoy the sights, savor the smells, and partake of a meal at my then favorite eating spot--Paolucci's, right on Mulberry Street.

                              Of course, I would go to the Feast Of San Gennaro.  And, over the years, I have been to Luna's, Il Cortile, and Joey Paesano's.

                               As the years went on, Little Italy became hot!  For a time, the highest end joint on the street was a restaurant called SPQR.  I never got there.

                                In 2006, I got the shock of my life, when I went back down to savor Paolucci's--and discovered it was gone, replaced by--of all things--a purse shop!  And I am not talking Prada, but swag!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I was devastated.  I guess the Golden Age Of Little Italy was coming to a halt. Well, I have more unpleasant news for you, this morning, lambs!!!!!!!!  It is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              I still considered the possibility of going down there, sometime this year, to visit SPQR.  Well, guess what I found out, girls??????????  It closed down, in 2013!!!!!!!!!!  Again, this is why I need a publicist, or personal assistant, because, as The Raving Queen, I cannot be in two places at once, so how was I to know this had already closed?  I am so sorry, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!  But I am even more sorry about what it signals--the end of Little Italy's Golden Era; what is still there lives on a past reputation that may not never surface again, unless a New York based movie the equal of "Moonstruck" gets made!  But lightning hardly ever strikes twice--especially in Hollywood!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Even the sight of Martin Scorsese, or Vincent D'Onofrio gorging in plain sight, by windows, may not be enough to recapture the era!  This will be tough to get over, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              And I still have not recovered from the loss of Rumplemayer's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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