Saturday, January 10, 2015

Time To Welcome Another Reader, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              After all that ugliness, it is good to get back to writing about something nice.  No wonder I spend so much time, lately, on Hayley Mills!!!!!!!!  Anyway, I want to welcome a new reader, Mark St. James, to this board.  I know there is an actor out there known by that name, but I cannot be sure, if it is he. So, Mr. St. James, whether you are a working actor, or simply recite Portia standing on a chair in your apartment, know you are welcome by one and all, here!   Feel free to drop in anytime, if inclined to comment, and keep your eyes peeled for social events, fashions,--the works!!!!!!!!

                             This blog could change your life!  I cannot begin to tell you, what it has done for mine!


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