Saturday, January 10, 2015

This Sicko Was Once Known As "The Hog Trail Killer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                        I cannot believe Daniel Conahan and I are the same age!  First of all, girls, I look about a decade younger than he, and, actually, he is about six months older, having been born on May 11, 1954.   But comparisons end there.

                                         Gay men get enough of a bum rap, from childhood on up.  It is how we handle those raps that determine our future course.  In the case of Tyler Clementi, the results were tragic, when he turned those feelings inward.  Conahan did just the opposite--in my opinion, he was a self-loathing homosexual, who hated what he was, but nevertheless, could not control his impulses.  So, he took it out on other men, by having sex with them, and then killing him.

                                          When he came out to his parents, in high school, the reaction was negative; they sent him to a psychiatrist, to presumably get cured.  Many go through this, but they don't become killers.  He was born in Charlotte, North Carolina, and then, shortly after, moved with his family to Punta Gorda, Florida. Here is where the trouble began--first, Florida, a state haven for serial killers and crimes of all kinds, and, growing up in a town with a name like "Punta Gorda" is enough to warp anyone.  When he graduated from high school, he was discharged from the Navy, for homosexual solictiation.

                                            Someone should have taught him the ropes, darlings, because, there is plenty of gay action in the Navy, with no one being discharged.  The Village People once wrote a song about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Conahan had no gay role models; nothing but the rejection and anger he felt from his parents, and everyone else.  But was that any excuse, to turn on his fellow gay men????????

                                                  Over a period of several years, from 1993 on, he murdered several men, often abducting them with charm, taking them to remote areas, having sex with them, and then torturing and killing them. Because his victims were often tied to trees, he was given the nickname "The Hog Trail Killer."  One of his intended victims, Stanley Burden, who later testified against him, escaped, when Conahan's car became stuck, while driving down a dirt road.  It was found he had murdered men in Charlotte County, most of whom were itinerants who had simply gone missing, and were off the grid. He sought these types out specifically, to cover his actions.  He was finally arrested on July 3, 1996.  He was sentenced to death, and, I am not clear, still awaits execution or a Life Sentence in the Union Correctional Institution, in Raiford, Florida!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                  This scum will never see the light of day, and that is good!  But not all gay men end up as serial killers!

                                                     I can just see the Westboro Baptist Church using Conahan to justify their hate mongering against homosexuality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                                     Up yours, hypocrites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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