Saturday, January 10, 2015

Oh, My God, Girls!!!!! Finally!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A Board Game Exclusively For Theater Queens!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Now, I don't mean to say that you absolutely HAVE to be a Theater Queen, to play "Be A Broadway Star," but I am sure it helps.  Forget about "Monopoly," "Candy Land," or "Mystery Date," because a group having been disfranchised for so long finally has game to call its own.

                                In my day, darlings, the closest I came to this was "CAREERS," by Parker Brothers.  It was the game of Fame, Fortune, and Happiness, and, in keeping with how I turned out, I always strove to go to Hollywood, and land on the space that said, "Win Oscar."  Even then, I had my priorities in order, though I remember a time when I used to pronounce this game name "Carriers."  Sounds like techno game today, about bacterial germs!  Maybe I was onto something?

                                 I have never played "Be A Broadway Star," so I cannot answer the question as to whether there is a space indicating one has to give a blow job to The Head, like Janie Lord in the novel, "Valley Of The Dolls."  Excuse me, that was Hollywood. There is no fellatio on Broadway, darlings!!!!!!!!!  I mean, who has time for it???????  Giving or receiving??????????

                                  There is even a rumor that one of  the playing cards looks like Kathie Lee Gifford.  Can you imagine?  Better Cathy Rigby than that other thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Just look how exciting it looks, darlings!  I can't wait to order myself a set, and play!  And may the best Theater Queen win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Can you imagine?  There will be Cat Bitch fights all over town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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