Monday, January 5, 2015

The First Book Read In 2015!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Actually, this is a re-read, darlings, but it turns out, on a second reading, that "Stoner," by John Williams (no, NOT the film composer, lambs!!!!) is a more satisfying read than the first time.  That is because, as the reader ages, like Stoner, Life Experience steps in, and the reader brings theirs with them to "Stoner."

                                                  This is a neglected masterpiece of the study of an academic in early America, detailing not only the social evolution in this country, but the evolving role of education in it, as  well. And how William Stoner both does, and does not, fit the mold to which he is consigned. As well as how he deals with all that.

                                                     What I am describing may sound as dull as dish water, but believe me, darlings, it is not.  Williams' carefully crafted story, and its fluid prose make this a moving, poignant, and, in the case of the very last pages, an almost spiritual, experience.

                                                       This novel stays in the mind, and heart, long after others have gone.  It is a shame it has been so forgotten. But, thanks to New York Review Book Classics, its pleasures can be had, initially, or again and again.  I daresay I may have a few more readings left in me.

                                                         The book year starts with a winner, darlings!  Don't miss "Stoner!!!!!!!!"

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