Monday, January 5, 2015

Several Reasons Why I Write This Blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         "What I Did For Love," sang Priscilla Lopez and the Original Company in "A Chorus Line," back in 1975!  Well, love is certainly one reason I write this blog, but, with the year just starting, I thought it would be a good idea to share why I do all this writing, besides the aforementioned one.

                             1. I Am A Writer--Always have been, always will be.  Writing is not only a creative outlet; it is in my bloodstream. OK, I am not as prolific and read as Joyce Carol Oates, but I don't look half dead, (as opposed to fully dead, like Joan Didion!!!!!!!!!) and Hope springs eternal that more readers will hop on board.  I started with none; now I number 35!!!!!!!!  How about that, dolls??????????

                              2. It Is A Habit--Having once started, I simply cannot stop!  It is rather like an addiction, but a positive one, if such a thing is possible!  What if my hands were suddenly chopped off?  I have heard there are ways for the manually handicapped to write!  And you bet I would make good use of them!!!!!!!!!

                              3. I Write To Call Attention To Myself--As my profile says, I have an insatiable appetite for self-promotion, and recognition.  Many of you on here have read about my early years in school, when I was ignored by both peers, and especially teachers, who just did not know to handle a brilliant, but unconventional kid, in a  time when Special Ed meant Retarded!!!!!!!!!  So, this blog is a way of getting back at all that!

                            4. There Has To Be Someone Out There Better Than Perez Hilton--There is, darlings, and that is ME!!!!!!!!  Perez covers L.A., and the International Scene, but when it comes to covering my home turf of New York City,  no one can touch me!  Just ask Anna Wintour!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             AND FINALLY--

                             5. I Want To Write A Post That Eventually Goes Viral--Because, if that were to happen, more attention would center on this blog, yours truly, and then, to quote a lyric from "Cinderella, Darling" in "How To Succeed....," by Frank Loesser, I could "fly from this land of carbon paper, to the land of flowered chintz!!!!!!!!!!"  In other words, stop my day job--which would make great fodder for going viral, especially the way I would write about it, but, were I to do that, I would end up in the street, like Fantine, which I do NOT want to do!!!!!!!--and do this full time.  There have been some posts I have written over time, which I thought might go viral, but they never have!  So, I will keep writing, until I hit the right note!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           BUT--I still want a play date with Cujo, AND to have tea, with Hayley Mills!!!!!!!

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