Monday, January 5, 2015

I Want A Play Date, With Cujo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Cujo, or Ares, as he is properly named, is the lovable boxer in Bay Ridge, who has captured my heart.  He must have been on vacation during the Holidays, or the weather was too cold, for I did not see hide nor hair of him!  And he is missed!

                              I did not put this under the "Goals" posting, because this comes more under the category of Wish Fulfillment!!!!!!!!!

                               I want a play date with, Cujo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I know he would just love to have me come visit, give him some undivided attention, play with him, even take him for a walk!!!!!!!!!!!!  He is the most affectionate thing, and I want to shower him with affection.

                                 So, I hope Cujo/Ares, and his owners, read this, and take note!

                                  Cujo is such a good host!  I bet he would serve High Tea!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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