Monday, January 5, 2015

This Is Why Celia Keenan-Bolger Is A Star!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Now, girls, don't go getting your knickers in a snit!  Like any good Theater Queen, OF COURSE I know Frances Ruffelle owns the role, but let's take a look at Celia, as Eponine doing "On My Own," for she does something novel with it, just as she did with Laura.  In fact, after viewing this performance, it's fair to say that her Laura transformation--which transfixed me, darlings!!!!--was inevitable!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Most renditions of Eponine's signature song, "On My Own," go for a golden throated rendition, and a full throttled belt on the last three lines, as if trying to outdo that overrated belter harridan, Idina Menzel.  Do us all a favor, and get off the stage, Idina.

                                   Celia's rendition of the song has warmth, tenderness and yearning.  There is, without doubt, a voice there, but she uses it differently than other Eponines;  even Samantha Barks, in the film, followed the tried but true.  There is a rawness to Celia's rendition--think Trini Alvarado in "Runaways!!!!!!!"--that suggests something more than exquisite vocal technique; it is called Acting The Song.  She is not out to stop the show; she is actually playing Eponine--a child of the gutter, who would not be golden throated, but a bit rough edged.  Eponine's emotions are made real by Celia, but listen to the roughness of the voice, and how it rounds out the character, and watch how she uses her face and hands to convey so much more, beyond what she is singing.  Just like she did with Laura!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    But don't take my word for it!  Here is Celia; listen to her!

                                   She is not just PLAYING Eponine; she IS Eponine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   With no disrespect to Frances, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Rock on, Celia!  Your stardom was destined!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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