Wednesday, February 25, 2015

47 Years Ago, Today........And Still Waiting!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             On this date, back in 1968, at the tender age of 13, I saw "Gone With The Wind" for the first time.  It was one of those life changing events in the development of this burgeoning gay child.

                               Since then, I have sat through it, as far as I can recall, about three dozen times.  My last viewing was around 2008 or 2009, at the Film Forum.

                                 But I am waiting to see it on the screen again!  And I speak for many!

                                  Last year was its 75th Anniversary (as well as "The Wizard Of Oz!!!!!!!!!!") and screenings of both film were promised, but have yet to happen.

                                   I mentioned this, in my year end wrap up of 2014, as one of the most egregious errors of that year!  And the claim still stands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Will someone please have a screening, so that those purists among us, who only accept the film on screen, can see it, as it was intended??????????  Not to mention the generations coming up who have never been exposed to it at all, and should see  it, at its full power.

                                       At least, if their attention deficits render them capable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       I couldn't let this day go by, without a passing memory.

                                       Come on, Ted Turner; take it out of the fucking vault!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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