Thursday, February 26, 2015

Who Knocked Off Mary's Head???????????????

                             One thing is for certain, darlings!  This week's Bitch Of The Week needs a good, strong dose of Jennifer Jones!!!!!!!!!!

                               Here is what happened. These are the archways, leading into the courtyard of our apartment building.  To go to our side, veer to the left.  If you continue straight, you will be stopped by a brick foundation embankment, atop which are many kinds of foliage. In the center is an enormous tree, which branches out into the entire courtyard.  Under the front center of this tree, last summer, Charlie, one of the door men, put out a small, white statute of Mary--THE Mary, that is, the Blessed Virgin. It added a beauty to the yard, and give my beloved and I a sense of peace.

                                Two days ago--this would have been Tuesday morning, we were leaving for work as usual, when Monsieur looks, and says something about Mary having no head.  I couldn't believe this, so I stood dead center and looked straight ahead!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Sure enough, the Mary statue was headless!  Someone had knocked it off!  At first, we thought all the snow this Winter might have done it.  But, had that been the case, the entire statue might have crumbled. This was a clean break--like someone who knew how to dismember heads!   A serial killer?  Of religious statues?  Stranger things have happened.

                                    I have no idea who the person or persons who did this may be, but rest assured they will be found out. Meanwhile, he, she, or they, are this week's Winner Of The Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!!!!!!!!!!!!!  How low can you go, decapitating Mary?????????/

                                    If I catch you, your punishment will be forthwith--you will be escorted into our apartment, tied to the chair, with our loving, but tough, canine friend, Cujo, keeping you at bay by growling. The TV will be turned on, and you will forced to watch, in its entirety, "The Song Of Bernadette."

                                     As I said, the only remedy here is a good dose of Jennifer Jones!!!!!!!!!

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