Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Darlings, We Just Love Hayden McClaine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  The first season of "American Horror Story," which Monsieur and I recently just watched, is chock full of characters and situations that I do not know where to start, so I am going to start with Hayden McClaine, played wonderfully by Kate Mara, because, in some ways, she triggered what was to come.

                                   Hayden is the trampy student who has an affair with Dr. Ben Harmon, played by Dylan McDermott as a suburban sexual pig, whom we all hate, but the women can't keep their hands off of. And this is supported by, and helps target the gay male audience, by finding every opportunity for Dylan to be shirtless; even walking about the house, naked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     The trampy affair happened in Boston, where the Harmons-Ben, wife Vivien,   (Connie Britton) and Violet (Taissa Farmiga) once lived. Then they moved to this weird house in California, which looks like a derivative of the one in Brooklyn, from "The Sentinel."  Christine Estabrook turns in a brilliant performance as Marcy, the secretive realtor who knows all secrets, and sells the house to unsuspecting people, this time the Harmons.

                                        You see, the house has an evil history.  It was built in the Twenties for the wife of Dr.Charles Montgomery, Nora, played by Lily Rabe in another brilliant turn, once she appears. She is Main Line Philadelphia who is California transplanted, with social issues. She wants the glamour of motherhood, but not the muss and fuss.

                                           Dr. Montgomery was the Doctor To The Stars, of his era, but to supplement that, with his wife's encouragement, he also performs illegal abortions. One of the patients kidnaps Baby Thaddeus and dismembers him.  The remains are returned, and when Charles tries to bring Thaddeus back to wife as some sort of Frankenstein thing, Nora shoots him and then turns the gun on herself!  Fabulous.

                                            So, that's the history.  But what the Harmons only find out gradually (and you can't tell me that crafty Marcy did not know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) was that, once someone dies on the property, the spirits must remain there forever.  And, eventually, they are seen.

                                              But back to Hayden.  She, in true "Fatal Attraction" fashion, follows the Harmons to California, and confronts Ben with her love for him. She says, as pictured, that she is not a whore, but come on!!!!!!!!!  She only wants him for his body, and material comforts.  I would love to see these two play in a production of "Oleanna," with both of them bitch slapping each other, till they fall into a bloody heap, which is what they deserve!  Instead, Hayden is murdered by creepy Larry Harvey (a disfigured Denis O' Hare) who is trying to extort money for Ben for head shots, so he can jump start a Hollywood career. The way he looks, girls, the only thing he could be is the next Rondo Hatton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                               Are you with me, so far?  As I write more and more on this, as I will over the next several days, you will.  But, speaking of whores, how about Frances Conroy and Alexandra Breckenridge as maid  Moira O'Hara???????????  I love what a tramp Moira is, and, of course, Alexandra, nails it perfectly.  However I think the casting would have been more interesting, in a uniquely perverse way, if Frances Conroy had played trampy Moira as well!!!!!!!  Imagine her in those fetish gartered stockings!!!!!!!!  And straight men getting all worked up over her!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bizarre, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              But, girls, I am warning you--this installment of the series is SO intense, Baby Gojira fainted!  That's right! He keeled right over!

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