Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Who Is The Only Author Who Could Upstage Jonathan Franzen This Year?????????? Why, Harper Lee, Of Course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     Poor Jonathan Franzen; this is one he cannot argue with!

                     Until yesterday, it was pretty much a sewn up fact that his forthcoming novel, "Purity," arriving this September, would be The Literary Event Of The Year.  But that was then, this is now!

                       Ever since word spread of the July publication of Harper Lee's--yes, THE Harper Lee!!!!!!!--novel, "Go Set The Watchman," the literary community has been rocking!

                       This is a novel that was written before "To Kill A Mockingbird."  In fact, some of the adult Scout's musings in this book led her publisher to suggest she write an altogether different book, from the perspective of Scout's childhood.  That book, as we all know, became one of the enduring works of the last century.

                          It was always a mystery that she never published another book. The story was that those who supported her so during the writing of 'Mockngbird,' passed on, leaving her with no energy or impetus to write another.

                             Suddenly, in an attic, near the original manuscript of the beloved novel of millions, comes this find.  And in July, we will know more. Even if it does not get the reviews, or live up to the first book, it is Harper Lee speaking to us, after a 55 year silence. This is a win-win situation; The, as I said, Literary Event Of The Year!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              All I know is the story takes place 20 years after 'Mockingbird.' Scout is an adult woman, living in New York (very much as Harper Lee at this age was!!!!!!!!!) and returns to Maycomb, to visit her father, Atticus.

                                I cannot wait to read this, masterwork or not!  But a word to the media mad, who will understandably swarm around it!

                                   Please do not think of making this into a movie! Let Greggory Peck and Company rest on their laurels!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    Wonder if the adult Truman Capote will be in here?  My, my!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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