Wednesday, February 4, 2015

I Just Love The Murders Of Gladys And Maria By R. Franklin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I have to hand it to the brilliance of "American Horror Story--Murder House's" writers, for evoking history as well as fantasy into this sexually exploitative mix.  The killing of nurses Maria and Gladys is clearly referencing Richard Speck, the deranged killer of eight student nurses from South Chicago Community Hospital on July 14, 1966.  He definitely had some issues, but I  am telling you, the creators of this show are aware of the fetishistic value of nurses--just like trampy Moira,the maid.  Where nurses got this rep I have no idea, because any I have known were not a bit like this.  But they figure in the sexual fantasies of so many straight men, that I am sure the writers could not resist referencing the Speck killings.

                               The killings here take place in 196, in the Murder House.  Nurse Maria (Rosa Salazar) opened the door to itinerant drifter R. Franklin,  played by Jamie Harris. He feigns being injured, and asks the nurses for help. He has an aberrant hatred of them, due to some bad experience with mercury, via a broken thermometer..  But you cannot tell me there is not a sexual thing going here, too. He bludgeons Maria with an ash tray, which is great to watch, but he saves the best for last--grabbing the rather butch Gladys. (played by Celia Finklestein) and dragging her up to the bathroom, where he drowns her in the bathtub, while calling here "Fatty Patty!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                  Simply brilliant, darlings. And then the nurses come back as ghosts.  Like the homosexuals and the twins, they are couple victims!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                    The murder of two nurses falls under one of the season's themes, which is that of sexual exploitation.  All the relationships in this show are exploitative in some way, but the nurses are my favorites of all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Makes me glad I did not take AP Biology! Or go into the Health Care Industry, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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