Thursday, February 5, 2015

Starletta Is No Star, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Starletta Blevins, the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award, is pure Missouri White Trash, residing in Maries County. She is 49 years old, and has given birth to ten children. And I would bet, darlings, all the fathers are different.

                                Well, on Christmas Eve, Blevins, a drug addict, living among filth, feces and squalor, because what did she care, as long as she got a fix, shared some heroin and a cocktail, with her 16 year old daughter, Kaylynn Moore.  When Starletta went out to get more pills and ingredients for their continued drug orgy,, she came back, and found Kaylynn had died of a drug overdose.

                                  One might feel sorry for star, if, first she wasn't such a  drug addict, and, judging from the lack of quality of her lifestyle, so negligent of her children.  Kaylynn's 23 year old boyfriend was the only one who did anything, calling 911. But it was too late to save Kaylynn.

                                    Nevertheless, authorities removed a 10 year old sibling from the house, for living under such deplorable conditions, including open view pornography.

                                     Blevins is being charged with second degree murder and distributing a controlled substance.  But, back in 2003, another daughter, then age 15, died under similar circumstances.  I think this bitch should be charged with that too.

                                      The minute I read Blevins' story, I knew she was perfect for this column.

                                       I mean no slight on Missouri, or residents there. But this is no "Meet Me In St. Louis" type of story, dolls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Lock this bitch up, and find those kids decent homes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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