Thursday, February 5, 2015

That Larry Harvey Is So Creepy, I Am Telling You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Denis O'Hare is one of our best American actors, but he can really play creepy!  On "Freak Show," I hated him from the time he came on screen, and I was so glad when he got what he deserved--in a brilliant homage to Olga Baclanova--toward the end.

                               Now, in "Murder House," he plays a sleazy L.A. loser, who cheats on his wife with Jessica Lange as Constance Langdon.  He is also living at the Murder House, in the early 1990's.
There is something sleazy about him, yet, unlike Stanley in "Freak Show," one feels a tinge of sympathy for him, as, in some way, Mr. O'Hare seems to be channeling the more sympathetic aspects of Dwight Frye and his deformed characters in the Universal horror movies.

                                 Larry should have known better than to cheat with Constance, because she is one you do NOT mess with.  How could he foresee that his house would be set afire, and his wife and daughters destroyed, with him being charged.  Like Richard Kimble in "The Fugitive" he remains in suspect, even though his wife, Lorraine, doused herself, and daughters Margaret and Angela, with gasoline, and set them all aflame, in retaliation for her husband's adultery.  I mean, Larry is no prize but how sick a bitch is Lorraine.

                                    So, of course their ghosts haunt the Murder House, as the Harvey family lived there once, which is one reason why Larry keeps hanging around, and, in the process harassing the Harmons, especially Ben, from whom he wants to extort money to jump start a movie career he thinks he is going to have. Dream on, Larry!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Whenever Larry appears, it is a guarantee something creepy will happen!!!!!!!!!!  Yet, on some level, I just love him!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         The story behind his disfigurement, which involved being set aflame in his work place by Tate Langdon (the brilliant Evan Peters) I will explain when I deal with the Langdons!!!!!!!!   It is a miracle Larry survived his flambe!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Now, he looks like mushed Baked Alaska, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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