Monday, February 9, 2015

Good Riddance !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get This Fat Pig From Commack, Long Island, Off The TV Screen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Commack, Long Island, must be bad enough.  But it really takes the blame for producing Rosie O'Donnell.  I am sure none of the other residents in Commack are as crass and common as she!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              But, then, she also is a goddamn beans n' franks lesbian!!!!!!!!!!!  The worst kind!!!!!!!!!!!  So I am not surprised they had trouble with her on "The View," almost from Day One.  Bet she made racist remarks to Whoopi, and I hope Whoopi smacked her across the face!

                               I think, minus Rosie, they should get Michelle Rounds on the show, and have her tell her side of things. These two lovebirds could not keep things going, and I am telling you, Rosie is to blame.  She doesn't want a companion; she just wants to eat pussy!!!!!!!!!!!!  So, Rosie, why not visit The Erotic Bakeshop--if it is still around, or its descendants--and devour a couple of white chocolate vaginas??????????

                                Oh, you better believe I am having a field day with this one, hons; I am such a bitch!  But then, so is Rosie!  The living, breathing stereotype of every person's nightmares about lesbians.  And just look at the sweat dripping from her, and that skin.  Bet she drinks sailors butcher than she--is such a thing possible??????????--under the table, every year on Fleet Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 It is no secret I hate Rosie O'Donnell!!!!!!!!!!!  Hell, it is no secret I loathe several people!!!!!!!!!!!  But Rosie is the worst!  You can't burn her as a witch; there is not enough wood!  You can't toss her into an oven; she would not fit!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Unplug her asshole and let all that hot air deflate her, like a balloon!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Good riddance to you, you fucking bitch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     Queens can be so nasty, don't ya think????????  Yes, but we tell the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       Unlike Rosie, OR Brian Williams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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