Saturday, February 7, 2015

I Am Really Not Surprised, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                     When I was an undergraduate, at Seton Hall, back in the 1970s, one course that I wish I had taken was something called "Ethics And Law Of Journalism."  From the Brian Williams debacle that has erupted, it looks like he should have, too.  First of all,  as stated I am really not surprised, as the Williams family seems to have a talent for ruination.  Look what his daughter Allison did, last December--can you believe it was only two months ago, darlings; with this winter, it seems like four!!!!!!!!--ruining the NBC Live "Peter Pan."  So I am not surprised that Daddy Brian's misdeeds are finally catching up to him.

                      Brian is actually five years younger than I, but he looks decades older.  I always found something smarmy about him, and his delivery.  And now, with all this claiming to have been there, and done that, I am convinced he is engaged in some kind of machismo contest with some other news icon, but I cannot for the life of me imagine who.  Matt Lauer?  Come on; he's a pussy!!!!!!!!!!!  Maybe it is someone at the other networks, but men in journalism these days seem to be a dime a dozen, with most of those in the field coming off as prettified actors rather than serious journalists.

                      There really hasn't been one since the late David Bloom, may he rest in peace. And it wouldn't surprise me that we found out Brian, whose claiming so much, is keeping some things secret.  Maybe he really caused Bloom's death, to advance his own status at NBC.

                       After all, his daughter was brazen enough to taken on Mary Martin!  So, this family has no shame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                       Time to put salt on the peacock's feathers, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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