Friday, February 6, 2015

Mena Suvari As Elizabeth Short!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             Oh, my God, what a mixture of bravura and brilliance to incorporate Elizabeth Short, probably the most famous murder victim of the twentieth century, as a character on "Murder House" on "American Horror Story."  A growing gallery of actresses is developing around this role--Lucie Arnaz, Hillary Swank, and now Mena!!!!!  And they are just the ones I can remember!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              The real Elizabeth Short was an attractive, star stuck New Englander, who, like all pretty girls, came to Hollywood in the Forties to make it as an actress.  However, from what I have read, seen, and the way she has been portrayed, Miss Short would never have hit the heights of one like, say Gene Tierney.  She had no real class.  Had she not become famous the way she did, she might have morphed into a Betty Page type, though next to Betty herself, she would have been second tier.

                               But, hell, hons, Hollywood is full of these types.  As is New York.  Yours truly speaks for himself!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                However, I am glad I am still here, unlike Elizabeth, who, around New Years Eve 1947 (1946 going into 1947!!!!!!!!) was dragged off to some unknown place by one or more unknown parties, held prisoner and tortured alive for two days, then dumped in a vacant L.A. lot, where her bisected body, with a painted smile probably drawn in blood on her face, was found by a mother and her young daughter.  The rest is history.  And from that point on, Elizabeth was, and still is, famous.

                                 Which made Hayden's line to her-- "Do you know who you are?--and, once she realizes her identity to herself--"I really did become somebody, didn't I?"--especially chilling.  Yes, Liz you did become someone but no one I know envies your fame.

                                    Of course, when Hayden says this, both she and Elizabeth are dead.  Though I am not so sure Elizabeth realizes that at the time, here.  A lot is fictionalized, including her lesbian encounter with the trampy Moira, wonderfully played by Alexandra Breckenridge.  The real Elizabeth was said to be homophobic, and had no use for what she herself called "queers." wanted to make it in Hollywood, yet you had a closed mind.  Another detriment to success, Liz, hon!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 But, oh my God, Mena Suvari is brilliant in a role that proves the old adage about small parts and actors.  Of course, we want more of her, but I think holding off only heightens expectations.  And Liz's story has been spun so many times--and will continue to be--that the makers must have felt this was enough.

                                   Add this all together, and ?"Murder House" is the sickest, most twisted season of "American Horror Story" I have seen.  But it was the first year, so I guess they decided to pull out all the stops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Meanwhile, Elizabeth still remains a mystery.  Just about everything is known about her , except the who and where of  her being killed.

                           No one should want fame this badly.  And one who might does not deserve what happened to her!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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