Thursday, February 19, 2015

I Cannot Wait To See Rosie Give It To Harry Tonight On "The Slap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                                  I have to tell you, girls, I am having one of my Madison Montgomery Days, so everyone had better watch out.  So, when I saw the video--which I will try and show--of some of tonight's episode of "The Slap," I was delighted, and my anger fueled with delight, when I saw Rosie (Melissa George) give it to that bastard, Harry, a stand in for my Uncle Bill Liddy, the bastard patriarch of some of the biggest bastards of all--his descendants, who are all Shanty Irish Garbage!!!!!!!!!

                                   But in case I am unable to find the video--and I am sorry, darlings, I was unable to find it!!!--  here is what will be seen tonight.  In the first place, it is a confrontation--Gary and Rosie, Harry and Hector, and, of course, Hugo. The one thing I do question is that, in the scene, it is clear  Rosie is breast feeding the child!  At five years of age?  Hey, I know they feed the boys till they are fourteen in "Honey Boo Boo" country, to guarantee the boys wanting pussy when they grow up, but in sophisticated Williamsburg, Brooklyn, there is no need for that!!!!!!!!! Nor anywhere else, for that matter!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Anyway, Harry, even though I have no sympathy toward him, does get off  to a good start, though Rosie is understandably anxious and suspicious.  Harry, I have to admit, starts out well, talking about how people should not let feelings get out of control--even Hugo nods in agreement, which shows he is more contrite than Harry--but when Harry brings up the subject of cost, Rosie rightfully jumps in, asking if he thinks this is about money, when it is not; it is about an experience scarring a child permanently for life.  As I can attest, as proven by my experience with those trash Liddys, while not having prevented me from moving on and having a life--I defied all of them, by doing it my way!!!!!!!!!!--is nevertheless forever embedded in my memory.

                                       At least the families here have a confrontation.  Ours never did.  Not with me, at least!  But, I assure you, it is coming!  And soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Of course, it is Harry who makes the first mistake.  He arrogantly leans back in his side, smiling superciliously, accusing  Gary and Rosie of shaking him down to--and here comes his attack--stick him with paying for a shrink they should have sent their child to, in the first place.  At this point, all hell breaks lose, with Rosie rightfully yelling about Harry beating his wife and child--which someone should have said to my Uncle Bill's face, or my cousins--and Gary angry that Harry is once again taking an accusatory position by claiming they are shaking him down for money!
Then, Rosie, like a lioness, asks for the police, with everyone screaming at each other, and I hope to God they arrest Harry, who Rosie was right in calling "a disgusting, sexist......." which is what my Uncle Bill, his sons and grandsons all are. Shanty Irish Pigs!  I hate them all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         And I hate the Harrys of the world!  Go ahead, call me names!  See what kind of shit I spew back at you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                          Don't ever mess with me, you lousy motherfuckers, who are out there!

                                           My girls and I will eat you alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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