Thursday, February 19, 2015

What A No Good, Homophobic Scumbag!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Kyle Johnson grew up in an affluent area of Arlington, Texas.  He was the son of an ordained minister at the New World  United Methodist Church, in Arlington.  I am telling you, hons, those are the ones you have to watch out for.

                                 But that is not why Kyle Johnson is the winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award.

                                 He was manipulative, a loser and a user. Perfect traits to win this blog's award.

                                  And he had a degree, I think, of homophobia, which masked his own internalized hatred of himself. Because when Kyle walked out of his parents' house, he sponged only off men.

                                  This was late in the summer of 2005.  Johnson bummed around, always sponging off men.  There was an older man who took him in, but when Johnson would not adhere to the rules, he became violent, almost killing the man.  It is a mystery to me why he did not.

                                    When he met Samuel Lea Johnson, who had a degree in political science from UTA, the two  bonded  over video games. The down and out young man needed help--a place to stay--and Lea generously offered to take him in.

                                       But, by October 26, within a week after being taken in, Lea was dead.

                                        In the case of Lea and the other man, I cannot honestly say who was gay, and who was not, but take a good look at Johnson. Young and reasonably attractive, it is not unreasonable that gentlemen were attracted to him.  Or, if they were, and let's say Johnson was not gay, being a manipulator, it would not be beyond him to rope in the gents with promises of sexual favors, given his alluring appearance, and preying on their sexual tension.  I doubt if these favors were ever obtained.  Or, if they were, it only fueled the murderous homophobic rage inside Johnson.

                                        So, Kyle Johnson, is this week's Bitch Of The Week.  But the honors stop here.  He was apprehended and is now incarcerated. Had he not been, I fear what he would have become.

                                           A serial killer of gay men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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