Thursday, February 12, 2015

"Law And Order SVU" Is Really Going Down The Tubes, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!! And Last Night Proved It!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           I loved the title of last night's episode, "Intimidation Game," an obvious cash in on the Oscar nominated "The Imitation Game."  Second, no Danny Pino, which increases my suspicion that they are phasing him out, unless, because Raul Esparza, as ADA Barba, was not on, either, this leads me to think it will be revealed the two are having a relationship!!!!!!!!!!  Good for them, and good for the series; it will liven things up!!!!!!!!!!

                            Plus, as Olivia revealed, Noah is no longer a baby, but a toddler!  That was fast!!!!!!!  My God, next week, he could be in high school!!!!!!!!!!! Is she sure she still has the right kid????????  Her track record is not too good, you know!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               But what a story.  It had Moozzam Mukkar (??????????) as Raina Punjabi, a stand in for real life figure Anita Sarkeesian.  Now, Anita, I am convinced, is a bitch, and I invite her to go up against me, anytime!!!!!!!!!

                                That Raina!  I hated her from the moment she came on camera!  What a hateful, egotistical bitch!  I almost feel she got what she deserved!  But there was a turning point!  First, (and I admired her for this) she says if she does not take the stand she does, then these troublemakers win.  She was absolutely right!

                                Later, at the end, after admitting at gunpoint, that she is a slut, that women should not be in gaming, and it is broadcast to the world, she espouses the same nonsense, once she has been rescued, and is safe, with her husband.  And this is how the episode fades out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  What the fuck???????????????

                                    The problem with Raina was how the writers conceived her, and then pulled back.  Are they trying to give it to both sides--the careerists, and the misogynists???????? Raina had an abrasive personality,and I do not like abrasive personalities, male or female.  But at least she had the courage of her convictions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                     So, why have her cave in on them, at the end?  Has the Republican Party taken over the writing staff of 'SVU'??????????  Because it sure seemed to me they were catering to the misogynistic viewpoint, in that final scene!  So, fuck them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                       No wonder this show is going down the crapper!  No wonder Danny Pino is not appearing on it!!!!!!!!!!!!  No wonder Olivia looks chronically constipated!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        And Noah!!!!!!!!!!!  I want to know what hormones that child is taking!  He is the fastest growing kid, on television!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                         Shades of Allison Hayes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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