Thursday, February 12, 2015

This Photo Is Revealing Of This Week's Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         The child seen above is not  the Bitch Of The Week.  It is his mother--and she has been long overdue.

                          The winner of this week's Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award is Sarah Palin!!!!!!!!!!!  Yes, darlings, THE Sarah Palin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           The child above, standing on the dog, is her 6 year old son, Trig!!!!!!!!!!  I wonder what that stands for--Trigonometry??????????  Not that I am anyone to cast aspersions on that subject, but do you think Sarah mastered it?????????  Of course  not; she  hung out in the bathrooms, in high school, smoking, and teasing her hair, like Chicklette in "Female Trouble!"

                              I always thought of her political thing as a non-entity, not worth mentioning. But, when I heard she was accused of animal abuse, that is another matter.  To allow a young child to just stand on a dog, crushing its innards--which she would probably permit if Trig were sixteen!!!!!!--is animal cruelty!  You can bet I faxed this shot to my beloved Cujo, and let me tell you, he was not a bit happy about this.  In fact, he is ready to take a big bite out of Miss Palin!!!!!!!!!!  It is high time she got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              This kind of behavior is why "The Slap" is going to be such a watched program, starting tonight!  The inability of many of today's parents to raise their children is appalling, but the behavior of the adults to one another is even worse.  I hope this shows proves that.

                               As for Miss Palin, she was a bitch, long before I showed up on the scene!  But when she steps on one of my causes--animal rights--by abusing one of her own, it is time for her to be named Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                Congratulations, Miss Palin!!!!!!!!!!!  How does it feel to have the only victory you will earn, in recent time??????????????

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