Friday, February 20, 2015

Misty Day Is The Better Part Of Me!!!!!!!!!!!! But, My God, How I Wished I Looked Like Her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                It should come as no surprise to readers of this blog, or viewers of "American Horror Story," that once Lily Rabe appears on camera, she is going to walk off with the show.  As she did in "Asylum," and now "Coven."  I mean, once Misty Day comes on screen, who can look at anyone else????????  I bet the cameramen and crew had to be paid extra, to keep from focusing exclusively on her.  Hell, I wouldn't have complained if they had!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 But Hell has nothing to do with it, hons, because she is a Heavenly Creature.  I bet Sister Camille would love her!  Misty is said to be Catholic, but, like so many of us who are, I am sure she does not hold with all that anti-gay, anti-sex crap!  She is a Child Of Nature, at home in the swamp, protected by her animal creatures, whom she protects with her gentle and loving spirit, plus,  being gifted, occasionally brings them back to life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  I relate to Misty on so many levels!  We have that Catholic thing, and I can, when I choose, be enigmatic!  And I have been known to twirl about, in a shawl!  But I don't have the dance training Lily has!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Misty is that part of me that loves Cujo, Baby Gojira and Ramsey!  Even Fancy, The Alligator, and Sammy, The Snake in New Orleans!  Not to mention my very own beloved!  The part that cannot stand to see cruelty directed at animals and children especially, or anyone!   Maybe we are spiritual crusaders!

                                    She is also a huge Stevie Nicks fan.  I mean, who isn't????????  Lily, Misty, me, everyone!  Take a look a this!

                                      But, watch out for us spiritual children!  For, as Misty proves, when she needs to, she can stand up for herself, and take no crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Do not mess with Misty, and do not mess with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                        Misty is perhaps the most beloved character on "Coven," due entirely to Lily Rabe!   Here is one more look at Misty and her moments.  She is fiction's most appealing Southern child since I don't know when!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           We love you, Misty!  And I will try and be more like you!

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