Friday, February 20, 2015

We're Not So Wild About Harry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                As expected, from the posting I shared with you girls yesterday, Melissa George, as Rosie, walked off with "The Slap," especially during the show's pivotal scene, where Harry reveals that he just cannot stop being a bastard.  You can see this brilliance at the end, on here!

                                 But there were a lot of things we learned about Harry last night, to show he is the show's resident bad guy, and why people who have relatives like this, as do I, should avoid them!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  First, his apology was not genuine.  It was done with a twinkle in his eye, and a look of arrogance, revealing his inner resentment.

                                    As expected, he beats his wife, Sandy.  And Rocco gets to see it.  Nice.  The kid is learning to be violent, which comes back to bite later.

                                    Harry may take an interest his son, Rocco, but it is the wrong kind--the kind that demands Rocco be a carbon copy of himself.  And wouldn't that be a shame?  Thank God these two do not have another child!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      And this  ismade clear, when, after a talk where Harry pushes his son, Rocco, to win, the boy lashes out at another kid on his basketball team, getting himself kicked off!  And, when the parents are called to the scjhool, Harry takes Rocco out for some man talk, probably telling him what he did was OK!  Dumb bastard?  What kind of dumbass names their son Rocco???????  An ape, that's who!!!!!!!!

                                         But your average ape is better behaved than Harry!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Poor Sandy!  I hope she files for a restraining order, or at least an order of protection!  Maybe, when we get her viewpoint, she will!!!!!!!!!!!

                                      Harry is the sexist bastard Rosie says he is!  After storming out of Gary's and Rosie's. the hypocrite goes to his alcohol and cocaine fueled whore coworker, and fucks with her.  But, I think a recorder was inadvertently left on, so Harry's duplicity is going to be exposed.

                                         The judge should not have shut up Gary, when he was calling Harry an asshole!  Harry IS an asshole!  If that had been me, I would have gone on talking, and I wouldn't care if I was fined for contempt!  Fuck the authority figures of this world, who are all on the side of the Harry, anyway!

                                           No political affiliation has been revealed, but it is clear to me Harry is a Right Wing Republican!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                           I hope it all comes crashing down on Harry, and I have a feeling it will.  The difference between what was seen last night and my family is that we have yet to end up in court, but leave that to me, darlings, to make it happen.  My uncle never went to whores because he was too ugly, but that didn't stop his grandson--the one who threw the hubcap at me, years before--from breaking up his marriage, and marrying one.  And how many of these other scumbag grandsons aren't doing the same thing??????  I wouldn't be a bit surprise.

                                            It looks like next week, the story is told from Anouk's (Uma Thurman) point of view.  In one scene, she and the women, including Rosie, are having lunch, and she tries to talk Rosie into letting it all go!  I hope Rosie stands her guard, because I am with her all the way!  If she had heard what Harry had said; how he is now  going to do things on "his terms," (What?  Hire a hit man?) and "destroy them," (Gary and Rosie) I think Rosie would go off like a rocket!  And she would be right!

                                             The world does not need to be protected from the Garys and the Rosies, as Harry says!  It needs to be protected from idiots like him!  Because, as Rosie says, they can scar you for life!

                                              I am living proof of that, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                              Cannot wait to see what next week brings!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. He deserved to have his actions addressed, but by his parents, not someone outside the family!
