Monday, February 9, 2015

What An Unsual Day Off I Had, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Friday, February 6, was my day off!  Only, it was one of those days off that is not really a day off, because all I was doing was running all over the city.  Forget about relaxing.  darlings, because on a day such as this, the only chance I get to read is on the subway ride in and out, and waiting in the doctor's office.  I was at the doctor's office to get my meds, and to discuss my potential onset of diabetes, which is all I will say on that now, because I do not want to go all Joan Didion on my girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                         Once finally finished the doctor visit, and finally getting the meds, I decided to treat myself to a visit to Three Lives And Company Bookstore.  I had not been there, since before the Holidays, and we had a gift certificate from there to use!!!!!!!!!!!  As it turns out, I stepped into "The Twilight Zone," because just at the point I had then reached in David Mitchell's latest novel, "The Bone Clocks," I see not only the aforementioned store appearing in the story, but its actual owner, Toby.

                          Of course, I went there, and bought two books, one for Monsieur, the other for myself.  I wanted to ask Toby how the hell he is bribing these writers to plug him and the store in their books.  First, Julia Glass, now David Mitchell.  Will Jonathan Franzen be next?  Or Donna Tartt???????????

                            Adding to the strangeness of it all, several times that day, I kept passing guys on the street who resembled Zachary Quinto.  I know it was not him, but at one point I had to wonder if I was being followed.  Another by product of "Murder House!!!!!!!!!!"

                             On my way home, via the D train at West Fourth Street, I looked at the marquee at the IFC Center, and saw all the Oscar nominates shorts, live and animated, were there.  I thought of my friend, Harvey, now isolated by illness, who, for years always saw each and ever one, so that, come Oscar night, he would  have seen every film nominated!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Turns out, within days, I get a call from Harvey, who tells me today he is having the hip  replacement surgery he has been putting off, for years!!!!!!!!!!!  Let's hope that turns out well, girls!!!!!!!!!!!  Say your prayers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                I told Monsieur there would be no "Covenant" viewings, till I had finished writing about "Murder House."  I am not done yet.

                                 To add to it all, I had my "school dream" last night.  This is where it is the first day--of high school--and I get my class schedule, where I am outraged, as I actually was, to see I was not placed in Honors or AP English, which still sticks in my craw!!!!!!!!!!!!  In the dream, I lose my schedule card, and cannot find the office to deal with this issue, and I wander, aimless and lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Wish I had gone to Hamilton, and had had Miss Beck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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