Monday, March 2, 2015

50 Years Old Today, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Can you believe it?  When I first saw "The Sound Of Music," in November of 1965, as my 11th birthday present, I never imagined being around to write about it, a half century later.  I could never imagine, I told myself, then, being "that old."

                           Well, guess what, kiddies?  The time has come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Fifty years ago today, at New York's now extinct Rivoli movie theater, audiences were introduced to Julie Andrews doing that now iconic twirl, and to the likes of Angela Cartwright and Heather Menzies, who, darlings, I cannot emphasize enough how much I wanted to be them, back then!  Seeing "The Sound Of Music" was like discovering  a Technicolor dream world that, like Alice, made me wish I could walk through the screen, and straight into.  Just as Alice went through that looking glass.

                           How many times have I seen "The Sound Of Music?"  Not as many as other films; I would estimate something between twelve and fifteen viewings.  That is because it is one of those films I will only see on the big screen.  And not in its "Sing Along" format.  I am a purist, when it comes to this film.

                            The rumor is the film will be re released to theaters next month.  I am crossing my fingers, considering how little regard the 75th Anniversaries of "Gone With The Wind," and "The Wizard Of Oz" were accorded.

                            It may just turn out to be that--a rumor.  But, after the spectacular Oscar tribute, with Lady Gaga, and an appearance by Julie Andrews herself, to not let audiences experience it would be a fool's mistake.

                            This was the seminal childhood movie of the Baby Boomer generation.  And there are generations out there who have yet to experience it, properly--on the screen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Happy Birthday to "The Sound Of Music."  I am glad I could be around fifty years later, and I wish the film another fifty years of success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               This posting would, of course, be incomplete without Julie, and that opening twirl!!!!!!!!
So, here it is!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Let's all twirl today, in the film's honor, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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