Monday, March 2, 2015

I Know Just How Judge Judy Feels!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                             It is Monday, darlings, the start of another work week, but, at least, there is the 50th Anniversary of "The Sound Of Music" to celebrate.

                              On days like these, I feel like Judge Judy, where most I am dealing with are just plain dumb, and the rest not dumb enough to understand that they are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               Mondays usually bring out the worst in me, as they do of most of us, I am sure.  I always wondered, if we got an extra day off, and made the work week Tuesday-Friday, would we feel then about Tuesday, as we do, about Monday, now?????????

                                 Who can tell, dolls?  All I know is I am coiffed, groomed, and had a Milky Way Midnight, to help me get through this rough patch!

                                    Help me make it through the night?  Hell no, help me make it through this day!

                                     For those who can....go shopping, sweeties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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