Tuesday, March 3, 2015

MERYL'S Daughters Are Going The Fashion Route!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Poor Mama MERYL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  She raised those girls--Mamie, Gracie and Louisa--right, and they've failed.  Not only are they all failed actresses--but, then it is hard to compete when your mother is MERYL STREEP!--they are about to embark on the path that failed actresses sometimes do, which is modeling.   This is actually a smart move, darlings, because they are not allowing themselves to sink to the sludge level of that Cameron Diaz, whose career days are numbered, because she has been looking haggard, lately. And once you look haggard, you are THROUGH!!!!!!!!!!

                                   Even more disappointing is that the product is not even Top Line!  We are not talking about Anna, or anything near to that level, here. The Gummer Sisters--what a sister act, darlings!!!!!--are going to be modeling swag--namely  handbags, totes, and such by Claire Vivier.  They certainly do look stunning; I give them that!  With her looks, MERYL could have modeled, but then she was a gifted genius, not a worker bee!!!!!!!! And, like, who is this Clare Vivier, anyway?  She needs the Gummers  more than they need her, but, I guess after the best Gracie could do was a stint as "Lizard Girl" on "Freak Show," while Lily Rabe, Jill Clayburgh's daughter, walks off with everything, and shows signs of becoming the heiress apparent to MERYL that she had hoped one of her daughters might be, but forget it, those girls had to come up with something worthwhile to do!   Jill would have been so proud!!!!!!!!!!

                                   But that is show business, dears!  A pedigree buys a foot in the door, but not much else!

                                    The Gummers are about to find how tough it is to be on their own!  Welcome to our world, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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