Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Guess Who Is Coming To Broadway, This Spring, Girls??????????????????

                        There has been talk of musicalizing the Friedrich Durenmatt play, "The Visit," starting way back, when Sondheim considered it as possibility for Angela Lansbury. Then it became a Kander and Ebb project.

                           Now that show, which has been seen at the Williamstown Theater Festival in Massachusetts, is arriving on Broadway, on April 23, 2015.  The Grande Dame of Kander and Ebb musicals, Chita Rivera, has been signed for the lead. However, even more exciting to me, at least, and to some other Theater Queens, I am sure, is the news that Donna McKechnie will be Chita's stand by.

                             This is actually a unique situation.  This is the first show I can remember in my over forty years of theater going, where I would rather see the stand by, than the star.

                              Not that I wish Chita ill; God, no, but I have seen her, back in 1976 in "Chicago," and then several years after that, with Liza, in "The Rink."  Chita is still going strong at 82, but 82 is 82.  Donna, a robust 74, could do Cassie tonight, if she had to.

                                I wonder if this was done as some kind of measure, with regard to Chita's health.  I wish both Chita and Donna the best, but, hell, I want to see Donna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                 Guess I will have to bribe the stage door man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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