Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Hey, Russell, I Got News For You! The Dog Is Cuter Than You! And More Intellignent!

                              I did not even know who Russell Tovey was, until this morning. Nor the show that he is on, called "Looking."  The truth is, I could have done well without knowing of either.

                                Well, now I know about Russell. The allegedly openly gay actor, who says he "came out" when he was 18, is showing his true, closeted colors.  To "The Guardian" publication, he made a series of remarks, where he thanked his father for not sending him to a regular theater school, but to some place where he had to learn to "tough up," because all men do at drama schools is prance around, and be effeminate!

                                  Oh, really?  Well, Russell, try telling that to Kevin Kline, Hamish Linklater, Dylans Baker and McDermott,  and others I could imagine.  How about Chris Meloni, the ultimate in eye candy, as Elliot Stabler, who goes on to play a gay villain on "OZ?"  Now, there is someone to be applauded for their ease with their sexuality.

                                   I don't know what Russell was thinking when he said all this, but I know what it makes me think of him.  A hypocrite scumbag, whom gays will now resent, rather than see as a positive role model. A career ender to be sure; even with the apology, things will never be the same.

                                   You don't fool me a bit, Russell. You can dress yourself up all you want to, and give yourself airs, but you are not just a mule in horse's harness.

                                     You are hypocritical, internalized, homophobic scum!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Don't let the actor's comments prevent you from watching the series, which is actually quite well done. I had very high hopes for "Looking" when I learned it was created by Andrew Haigh, writer/director of "Weekend" which I felt was the best film of 2011 (and possibly the best-written gay-themed film ever made).

    "Looking" isn't as good as "Weekend" but it maintains a lot of the same qualities in a weekly format (8 episode miniseries like "The Slap"). One of the highlights for me is seeing Scott Bakula's very canny and subtle portrayal of an aging gay man in a San Francisco milieu that is terrified of aging.

    Perhaps not coincidentally, the character played by Russell Tovey is a total creep: the type of gay even other gays can't stand. I was rather surprised he made it to season two after his antics in season one. He's a bad influence over the lead character played by Jonathan Groff (ex lover of Zachary Quinto, and root cause of the falling out between Quinto and Ryan Murphy).


  2. Maybe Russell was just expanding on his creep persona. Or couldn't seperate his character from reality, like Ronald Colman in "A Double Life." Nah, Russell will never be the actor Colman was!
