Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Beyonce Doing "A Star Is Born???????????" Girl, Are You Kidding Me????????????????

                             How many times can "A Star Is Born" be remade?  One reason why the 1954 Judy Garland classic surpasses even the Janet Gaynor original was because, during the Fifties, there was still a superb musical context--the songs were pure gold.

                             Twenty two years later, BARBRA focused on rock and disco, which cheapened the whole thing, but I have to give her credit for reinventing the famous "Mrs. Norman Maine" ending. Instead of saying that, she does this howling rock number, twirling and swirling her curls, ending with the emphatic phrase, "Are you watching me now?"  You gotta admit, it is different, darlings, and it was keeping right in with BARBRA's ego, which is almost as big as mine, and soared to greater heights, when she did "Yentl," leaving poor Tovah, forgotten, like a run over dog!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Now comes the idea of Beyonce!  And Bradley Cooper directing?  He might make for a good lead, but a director?  And how is Beyonce going to be able to fit into those costumes, and move in front of the camera, what with all the cheeseburgers, onion rings, french fries, and apple pies, she has been eating?  Call her Gorge Girl, because, honey, I am telling you, that waist line is going to expand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Hell, Beyonce here could go from playing Deena in "Dreamgirls," to Effie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                              Meanwhile, what about ex-Effie, Jennifer Hudson?????????  She is looking mighty fine these days, and if Miss Beyonce does not watch out, she could find Jennifer beating her out for the role!  I think she would be better anyway!!!!!!!!!!   Miss Jones, indeed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                So, stuff it, Beyonce!  But don't go expecting a Judy Garland Oscar triumph!!!!!!!!!!

                                 If the dress don't fit, forget it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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