Thursday, March 26, 2015

Valiree Jackson Was Murdered By Her Bitch Of A Father, Who Is Little More Than A Male Susan Smith!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          Susan Smith is one of the Iconic Bitches Of The Twentieth Century.  William Bradley Jackson, a narcissist supreme, has only to content himself with being named this week's winner of the Raving Queen Bitch Of The Week Award!  What a piece of work!

                             Valiree Jackson, nine years old at the time, vanished from her home on October 18, 1999, in the Spokane, Washington area.  Her father, 33, at the time, said she vanished early one morning, before school.

                                What a crock, darlings!  Because this guy's wife, Valiree's mother, vanished in 1992, and when everything came to light, it was found he had killed her, too.

                                    He wanted both women out of the way, so he could have his girl friend, some local tramp, all to himself.  Just as Susan Smith drowned her two children because she thought she could ride the Gravy Train to Suburban Heaven, with that local guy, Tom, who was interested in her, but who wanted no part of Susan's children.

                                     Same deal with Brad's girl friend. She and Valiree did not get along, and Brad realized that. So, instead of doing the sensible thing--sending Valiree to friends, relations, people she preferred, which would have been better than murder--he decided to play Othello to her Desdemona by smothering her, with a pillow, while she slept.

                                        Valiree's body was found on November 15, 1999. Now her father faces life in prison, and the dumb girl friend, who should have been smart enough to learn if Brad could murder his ex-wife and daughter, what does that say for her, is well rid of him!!!!!!!! But trash like that always finds abusers, and so the dumb bitch is probably taking up with another dumb bastard.

                                            Ignorance can't be held accountable for murder. But Brad Jackson can.   He is this week's Bitch Of The Week!!!!!!!!!!  No more Father's Days for him!!!!!!!!!!

                                              This is one father who does NOT know best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



  1. Hey there. Valiree is actually my cousin, her mother--my aunt. Just a couple corrections. She was NEVER married to Brad, and there's been no proof or conviction that he killed her. She disappeared in 1992 and hasn't been seen since.

    Also, I get this is a rage on him, and I have no qualms with that. But his girlfriend at the time was an innocent victim in this all as well. Calling her a tramp for being a victim as well is a little much.

    I'm glad to see that people still know and talk about Valiree. It warms my heart.

    1. It was proven. Unless you define proof as a willing confession or god personally delivering the verdict.. I'm gonna assume you're from the father's side of the family


  2. Thanks for your comments. I guess I misunderstood the status of the relationship--I got the impression they were married. As for the tramp referenve, it was more, as you said of a rant on Brad--a no class guy.

    Sorry you lost your cousin at so young an age. The important thing is not to forget Valiree, who did not deserve what she was dealt!

  3. I hope the rat suffers and die in prison

  4. That unspeakable crime against a nine year old was horrific. It's sad that she looked just like him, red hair and all. His girlfriend must have been a bit immature if she couldn't get along with that beautiful little girl. Sad story all around. I would guess that he got rid of the girl's mom too.


  5. Well, as Valerie's cousin posted on here,
    it was never proven he killed her, though I do
    agree with you he did. Maybe the facts will
    turn up.

    This innocent child was deprived of a deserving
    life. She should never have been killed. There
    always are other options. Murder should never
    be one of them.

  6. We all know he killed her mother and then got sick of carrying around the child who was a constant reminder of the evil he had done to her mother so he killed the innocent angel to. I can't help but feel a bit of the blame should be cast on the girlfriend as well because if she wouldn't have been so jealous and childish maybe her and valeriV could have gotten along and maybe he wouldnt have killed her. I hope he's being tortured by their beautiful faces Everytime he closes his ugly evil eyes


  7. Well, darling, the girl friend was
    a tramp, so what would you expect?


  8. Unknown,
    They had a hard time proving he
    killed the mother. Though I am
    certain he did. Has the body
    ever been found?

  9. Just saw this on forensic files...This was truly unnecessary


  10. Unknown,
    Unclear as to what you deem unnecessary.
    My post, or someone's comments.

  11. It us really unnecessary to blame the woman. Let's let men be responsible for their own actions.

  12. Unknown,
    The man here did the deed.
    But his woman abetted him, and
    she was low class--a tramp!!!!!!!
