Monday, March 9, 2015

Time To Welcome A New Reader, Girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                               I just noticed we have a new reader joining us. The given name is J Coday, and the first thing I want to know, J, is.........are you related to Fifties movie monster icon Mara Corday?  I mean, "Tarantula," :The Giant Claw," and "The Black Scorpion???????"  Oh, my God!!!!!!!!!!  That would be so fabulous, and, of course, all on here would just love to hear about it!

                                 But, even if you are not kin, there is plenty on here to hear, anyway!!!!!!!!!!  I always wonder, when I get a new reader, which post it was that caught their eye, that did it!  I am just glad I am still able to crank this all out, not only for my own pleasure, but yours!

                                   So, welcome J Coday, and feel free to comment on here, anytime!

                                   Too bad we can't have a cyber tea, darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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