Monday, March 9, 2015

What "The Slap" Teaches Me About Parenting Skills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                            Mercifully, darlings, I am not a parent; nor, at the age of 60, have I any expectations of becoming  one,  When I was very young, to paraphrase A.A. Milne, and had carefully scripted my life, (not understanding that life does not work like a script) I was going to have eight--yes, dears--eight children, all of whom would have gone to private schools, and Ivy League colleges.

                             Cooler heads prevailed.  Had this happened, I would be dead now from all the financial burden, I would have pushed my kids relentlessly to the upper echelons of academia, for which they very probably would have come to hate me, and then, once old enough, run out on me, to live on their own, doing everything I was against.

                             I think of all this, as I watch "The Slap."because, while I am clearly with Rosie, I can see flaws in her and the other characters. Which is what things are leading to, I believe.

                              Rosie is quite right to take up for Hugo, even file a lawsuit against Harry, whom she had never met before, and would never want to see again.  I mean, I wouldn't.  But there is the issue of the breastfeeding, and I hope we get a bit of Rosie's back story, which informs her character greatly. I shall discuss that more when I discuss the book.

                               All parents, and non parents, are Monday morning quarterbacks. We all think we know what we would do, in such a situation, but would we?  And would it work?

                                Harry never, NEVER should have slapped Hugo.  Had I been Gary, at that barbecue, this is what I would have done.

                                 First, because not all the children were the same age and height--Hugo being the youngest, and some not even 10--I would have insisted they play with a plastic ball and bat.  I know I did, at that age, because it was easier to hold, and less danger of players being prone to  injury.

                                    I would have gone to Hugo, taken the bat from him, scooped him up in my arms, even if he was kicking and screaming, carried him into a bedroom in Hector's house, put him down on the bed, and read him the riot act.  Then I would lock the door, until Hugo was contrite, or let him cry it out.  Am I right?  Am I wrong?  Who can say?????????????????????

                                    Hugo needs help. So does Rosie. But there is emotional damage and genetic tags to account for, which may not be taken into consideration as the series is limited, but should be, in a real situation.

                                      And then there is the conflict Rosie faces herself, between what she has, and what she really wants.

                                        I know what I want. I want to be with my beloved as much as possible, and we have enough to take care of, what with each other, and Baby Gojira, who does not demand as much care as Hugo, but whose wardrobe budget is growing!

                                          Hugo is the only one so far who has been slapped on "The Slap."  But there are others on it, who need to be!  Will they get theirs???????????

                                            Time will tell, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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