Thursday, March 5, 2015

Tonight, Girls, We Get Manolis' Point Of View On "The Slap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

                           Brian Cox is a fabulous actor, so I know he will bring something special to Manolis' story on tonight's episode of "The Slap."  All I have been able to find out, is that he questions both his life, and that of his children's greed oriented generation.

                             Well, Manolis, I have news for you--

                              What parent hasn't done the same?

                               Not even parents; I have been questioning my generation--the Baby Boomers--since the age of 20.  As for those succeeding us, I cannot make heads nor tails of them, except to say that the technological developments that we never had, but they do, have not worked in their favor, as none of the millennials, or whatever you want to call them, have an ounce of the social consciousness and sense of humanitarianism we Boomers had in the Sixties.  Also, more than a fair share of them seem to suffer from some form of Attention Deficit Disorder.  So, what's that about?

                               I have no doubt about Manolis questioning life and the people around him. But how will this enlighten Rosie's story; what does the future hold for she, Gary and Hugo??????  Will Rosie get some air time tonight?????????   I hope so!!!!!!!!!!!  Will the issue of the slap be addressed????????  Will the characters, and we, the audience, be provoked????????????/

                                We can all discuss it here, tomorrow,darlings!!!!!!!!  Meanwhile, I can't wait to see what unfolds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                   It should be quite an evening!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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