Saturday, March 21, 2015

When The Going Gets Rough. Girls, Let's Go To A Club Luncheon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                           Here's what I am going to do, my darlings!  I am going to get all dolled up, in one of my most colorful--and flamboyant--outfits, and go to a club luncheon. Drink, joke, gossip with the girls, see if I can get that goddamn Beyonce on the phone, and have myself a carefree day!!!!!!!!!!  No use getting all uptight,like Frieda Inescourt as Lady Jane Ainsley!!!!!!!!!!!!

Being like that will get you nowhere, darlings!  Besides, the club Lady Jane would walk into would be so snooty, it wouldn't bear mentioning!  Like infiltrating a conference of repressed lesbians!!!!!!!!!!

Besides, you know I like my atmosphere more Diana Vreeland!  So that means color and glamour, dolls, not spinster regalia.  Or lack thereof.  Glamour..for real!  Like Babe Paley!!!!!!!!!
But what to wear, darlings?  How about 'Tippi' Hedren's green outfit and coiffure, darlings????????
And I want to see my beloved Cujo, too!

So the day is on!!!!!!  See you at luncheon, girls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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