Sunday, March 22, 2015

Liza Checks Into Rehab, Darlings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                                  Liza Minnelli checking into rehab, girls, is like me taking a vacation!  This time, though, it is really Liza, not  Christine Pedi, pictured above, though I would bet you anything, dolls, Christine uses this as grist for further developments in her Liza act!  So, she gets pictured her!

                                   Poor Liza!  Once she was on top as a gay icon, now she has become a faded remnant of what once was one.  A kind of New Age Norma Desmond!  Liza outlived her mother, but, really, what good did it do?  The poor thing can't stand on a chair, has no voice, and is now better represented by another performer, much her junior.  What has the world come to?

                                     But things can change, as Liza reminded us, in her classic song, "Maybe This Time!" So, let's listen to this song, as we wish Liza the best!

                                       And you better visit her, Beyonce, you bitch!  Call me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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